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Catalog Number ACM21142290-2
CAS Number 21142-29-0
Description As the glass fiber sizing material in the reinforced polyester composite material, it can improve the strength. Cross-linked acrylic resins can improve the adhesion and durability of adhesives and coatings. In the wire and cable industry, when used to process EPDM rubber systems filled with clay and cross-linked by peroxides, the consumption factor and specific inductance capacity can be improved.
Molecular Formula C13H26O5Si
Purity 0.98
Density 0.9850±0.0050 g/mL
Appearance Colorless transparent liquid
Storage in a cool and dry place.
Packaging 210LIron Drum:200kg/drum
1000L IBCContainer: 1000kg/container
Refractive Index 1.4270 ± 0.0050

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